
When an ISP joins the group of Swift Fox ISPs, we work very closely with them, day in, day out.  Mutual success and alignment of interests is key.

When we partner with an ISP, we use a revenue sharing model.  That way as you grow, so do we.  It is easy for small ISPs to be onboard, and we get to grow together.

We typically will take a share of about 15-20% of a customer’s monthly subscription, to provide the whole suite of services we offer.  For a typical ISP, after their operating overhead, they can easily realize in excess of 20% margins of net profit when they apply our business process approach.

We build our relationship to ensure that your ISP becomes more profitable, because of our partnership, not in-spite of it.

Due to enormous demand there is currently a 12-24 month wait-list for joining Swift Fox.  If you would like to join our waitlist, please email us via the contact links above.